New York City AIDS Memorial Live Arts 2023

The New York City AIDS Memorial presented its first season of free, public arts and cultural programs, organized alongside artist, musician, and curator Nick Hallett in 2023.

As a community site of remembrance, particularly for those impacted by the ongoing AIDS epidemic, the Memorial honors and acknowledges a complex history by serving as a platform for dialogue, advocacy, and, recently, programming that examines the multidimensional themes surrounding HIV/AIDS, including joy, mourning, and remembrance. This season’s programming contextualizes the stories of HIV/AIDS, highlighting both contemporary and historical voices, and conveys engaging and inclusive examinations of how AIDS has shaped—and is shaping—our current world. Through the presentation of visionary works, many by creators whose lives and practices are rooted in response to the epidemic, the New York City AIDS Memorial seeks to expand its reach to engage a wider audience.

“We are pleased to be expanding the cultural offerings at the New York City AIDS Memorial, especially after the tremendous response to last year’s programs,” says Dave Harper, Executive Director of the New York City AIDS Memorial. “We are grateful to all of the participating artists and are excited to welcome audiences to the Memorial, not only to remember, but also to renew this living and breathing site with creative energy, and to reflect on the stories of our past to inspire our future.”


Thursday, May 18, 2023
John Bernd Variations: Open Rehearsal
Ishmael Houston-Jones, Miguel Gutierrez, and Nick Hallett with Raha Behnam, Toni Carlson, Alvaro Gonzalez, Charles Gowin, Kris Lee, Johnnie Cruise Mercer, and Alex Rodabaugh, co-presented with Danspace Project

Saturday, June 10, 2023
Weavers of the Daisy Chain Gang Chorus: Ties That Bond
Peter Cramer and Jack Waters with NYOBS

Thursday, June 29, 2023
Head Back, Eyes to Sky
With Pamela Sneed, Mazz Swift, and Natalie Greffel

Saturday, September 30, 2023
Arthur Russell: City Park
Directed by Nick Hallett and featuring David Van Tieghem, Peter Zummo, Nat Baldwin, Lea Bertucci, Parsa Ferdowsi, Shawn O’Sullivan, and Alex Waterman

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Film by Jim Hubbard with live music by Chris Cochrane and Kevin Bud Jones with Jim Pugliese

Role: Commissioner/Producer, with Nick Hallett, Curator
Date: May 18—November 19, 2023
Location: New York City AIDS Memorial, New York, NY

Photography: Avery Brunkus, Benjamin Chertoff


Jim Hodges: Craig’s closet


AIDS Memorial Quilt Workshops